Eggs have always been a staple diet for us for centuries, providing a quick source of protein and other important nutrients. With rapid industrialization and a rise in population, the demand for eggs has increased and so modern methods were devised to get the production ramped up. But as the popular saying goes: To gain something you have to lose something, we have lost the original quality of eggs that our forefathers had. Today we discuss how organic eggs might bring us closer to our ancestral dietary practices and how they can be very sustainable and environmentally friendly.
A Brief History of Eggs

Eggs have been part of human diets for thousands of years. According to archaeological studies, we have learned that we started domesticating birds like chickens for their eggs around 7500 BCE in Southeast Asia. Those eggs were quite different from what we have today, with various species of birds, including ducks and quails, providing a wide array of shapes, sizes, and colors.
Throughout history eggs have had a lot of importance for lots of stuff outside food, just look at Easter. In Egypt, they were seen as a symbol of the cycle of life and death, while in Christianity, they became a symbol of resurrection. Eggs are, of course, an important part of many cuisines around the world too.
Nutritional Value of Eggs
Eggs are considered as the most nutrient-dense foods available. A typical large egg contains approximately:

- Protein: Ask all the gym bros around and you will find that eggs are how they get 90% of their daily protein intake. They are an excellent source of high-quality protein, containing all nine essential amino acids required for human health.
- Fats: They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are good for the brain and heart. Contrary to popular myth, eggs are good for actually good for the heart.
- Vitamins: They are rich in vitamins, particularly vitamins B12, B6, D, and riboflavin. Some essential minerals like iron, phosphorus, and zinc are also found in eggs(yay).
- Antioxidants: Some very niche antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin are found in eggs, and they have been associated with improved eye health. Pretty sure you have heard it while growing up that eggs are good for eyes, now you know why.
- Choline: Choline is another niche nutrient that keeps that brain of yours running and healthy, eggs are rich in that too.
Shortcomings of Traditional Eggs

Now you might wonder that when they are so healthy and when they come naturally from hens, why would there be any drawbacks? While eggs offer numerous nutritional benefits, the way they are produced in the modern day is the issue. Present-day egg farming involves very unhealthy and unsanitary conditions for hens, leading to stress and the potential spread of diseases. Hens are imprisoned in small cages, which can result in health issues and discomfort and have a bad effect on the eggs produced.
Additionally, to ramp up egg production, often antibiotics and synthetic hormones are used to promote growth and prevent disease, which can indirectly affect our antibiotic response and might lead to other health issues.
Enter Organic Eggs

Organic eggs are farmed in the most natural ways possible, ensuring that the hens are healthy and are not heavily influenced by chemicals and anything that can compromise their health:
- Environmentally Friendly: As mentioned, organic egg farming uses more sustainable methods and avoids the use of chemicals and pesticides for the production of hen fodder, thus leaving a positive impact on the environment.
- No Antibiotics or Synthetic Hormones: No synthetic hormones or antibiotics are injected into the hens for more yields, they are all raised naturally and lay eggs as per capacity.
- Cage-Free and Access to Outdoors: Organic hens are usually raised in cage-free and open environments where they can roam about and get enough sunlight and air to breathe.
- Higher Nutritional Value: Studies have suggested that organic eggs may have a slightly better nutritional profile, this may be because they are fed organic fodder and are raised in a healthy open environment.
- Improved Animal Welfare: As discussed, organic egg farming leads to better ethical practices leading to better living conditions for eggs
So Are Organic Eggs Better?
The answer is simple: it depends on your priorities and choices. If you prioritize animal welfare environmental sustainability and better health then organic eggs are the way to go
However, traditional eggs can still be of some value as they are more affordable, better to have something than to have nothing at all. So make your decision accordingly and remember that eggs are an excellent source of nutrients and very good for your body, so enjoy that egg omelet and be mindful and thankful for what you have! If you liked this then check out our article on organic mushrooms.